Collingwood Harriers Athletic Club Inc


Collingwood Athletic Program

Athletic Development Program

Learn how to improve your strength, power and speed to enhance your performance in any event.

Collingwood Harriers Athletic Club is running an academy-style training program for 10-15-year-olds that focuses on performance development for all athletics event groups.

We will help you Run and Walk Faster, Jump Higher and Further and Throw Further

When? There will be weekly squad training sessions on Sunday mornings with coaches Scott Lovell and Chiara Santiglia from 9.30 – 11.00 am.

How much?

Collingwood Harriers Athletic Club and Collingwood Little Athletics Club members $100/school term
Non-members $120/ school term
Concession $80/ school term

**Siblings – 50% per extra child Casual session fee is $10/session

Collingwood coaching staff

Start date – Sunday, October 13 – Signup at the first training session

Contact Scott if you’d like to know more: M: 0438 015 398

Scott Lovell – Level 2 (Advanced)

Scott coaches athletes at all levels of performance
across events including sprints, jumps, and throws.

Chiara Santiglia – Level 1

Chiara is a multiple age group State Champion for 100m, 200m and 400m and Bronze medallist at 2019 AA National Championships in U17 200m.