Collingwood Harriers Athletic Club Inc


Christie Barnes

Christie Barnes was brought to the Club by the Rodriguez family. She had come to their notice through her performances at Broadford High School where Ryan Rodriguez also attended.

Her first appearances were during the 1998/99 track season where Christie turned quite a few heads with her some of her runs at the Box Hill venue. She set a number of Club records in the under-age women’s lists, some of which, namely in the steeplechase events, still stand at the time of writing.

Christie signed up again for the next season and indeed did run a few of the winter races during the 1999 season.

Unfortunately for the Club, Christie was also a very good netballer. She was very involved with the Broadford Netball Club and it was around this time that the country leagues were starting to get really involved in the Saturday activities aligned to the football competitions.

This made Saturday very busy and Christie chose to go with the netball.

Her name was often to be seen in the local newspapers through her exploits as a player and a little later as a coach of junior teams.

Christie also represented the association a number of times in representative matches.

Another one that got away!

January 2014